A number of our clients are landlords, from an initial buy-to-let property or second home/holiday rental, to a small portfolio of say 6 houses, to commercial property.
For example, some business owners have bought the building that their company operates from as part of their SIPP or SSAS Pension and we can advise others considering this.
Tax regulations relating to property acquisition and rental are changing regularly. We’re able to advise clients of the most effective way to buy, account for and declare the asset and the income from property. And for developers we’re able to advise and support the land acquisition, financing and financial planning and control of the building process leading to rental or sale.
Over the years we’ve helped landlords and developers to:

preparation of Trading Accounts for a Property Developer buying and selling property

assist with Voluntary Disclosure of Income and Gains to HMRC

structure the property business efficiently

preparation of Rental Accounts for landlords letting out one or more properties

reducing property maintenance costs through careful projections and forecasts

prepare and submit personal and business tax returns with a property element (UK and overseas)

raise funding and finance for property acquisition or development

complying with tightening property and tax rules ie. Income Tax and CGT

prepare management accounts and financial plans

liaise with solicitors and other accountants and advisors

support them when reviewing rents to identify opportunities to increase rental income

advise on Section 24 charge

advice on Gifting a property and transfer of wealth to a family member
If you, or someone you know, would like discuss property related finance and taxation please get in touch.