We’ve worked with many individuals and organisations who have set-up and run Charities or Third Sector Organisations (TSO) over the years.
We have provided advice and support to people who have a passion to help others in their community. It is part of our ethos to help others less fortunate and this is an area where we are able to give back to the community.
When people want to move beyond volunteering and put a more formal structure in place is when we often get involved. We can advise and support people with a passion for helping others through the minefield of administration that unfortunately surrounds the formal process of setting up a charity.
Over the years we’ve helped people who desire to set up a charitable organisation, or those running an established charity, to:

make them aware of HR requirements such as employment contracts, DBS, H&S etc.

act as an independent examiner

understand the options available to them eg. CIO, Trust Charity, Charitable Company.

advice charities on acquisition of property in line with their constitution

set-up streamlined systems and processes that meet regulations, licences, insurance, employee regulations (which apply to volunteers as well as paid staff) etc.

advice on Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) conditions, status and operations

manage the financial aspects of fundraising, donations and recovering gift-aid

attend board meetings

set-up structures and governance and advise on Charity Commissioner rules, best practice etc

advise and support the setting up of Community Interest Companies (CIC) and Social Enterprises

keep overheads and operational expenses low, or reduce them if it’s a going concern
If you, or someone you know, is considering setting up a charity, or in running or has an opportunity to be involved with running and improving the way a charity operates, and would like discuss finance, structure, governance, efficiency or related matters in confidence please get in touch.